- Monday 10am Adult Jazz (Frankston) with Katrina
- Monday 5pm Junior Grade 4/5/6 (Mount Eliza) with Tilly
- Monday 6pm Intermediate Year 7/8/9 (Mount Eliza) with Tilly
- Monday 6.30pm Heels Jazz Year 11+ (Frankston) with Riannah
- Wednesday 5.30pm Advanced Year 11 (Frankston) with Caitlin
- Wednesday 6pm Industry 19+yo (Mount Eliza) with Tilly
- Wednesday 7pm Adult Technique (Mount Eliza) with Katrina
- Wednesday 7.30pm Adult Jazz (Mount Eliza) with Katrina
- Wednesday 7.30pm Theatre Year 10+ (Mount Eliza) with Tilly
Jazz classes are offered from Grade 4 right through to Open Age. During class students will work on developing correct technique, furthering their knowledge of choreography, and working as a team to learn performance routines for the end of year concert.
The Theatre Jazz class for 2025 will explore different avenues of musical theatre from the past and present, ranging from traditional musical theatre styles to modern shows. This class will focus on performance, style and storytelling through dance. This class is aimed at students Year 10+ who are dedicated, have a strong work ethic and who are passionate about performing.
Industry is designed for the committed, dedicated and passionate dancer who is wishing to further their knowledge of dance and exposure to the many styles of jazz. Industry focuses heavily on strength, stamina, technique, flexibility and choreography retention. This 1.5 hour class enables students plenty of time to refine specific skills as well as learning choreography. Industry is a demanding and challenging class, but one that will be sure to leave you feeling fulfilled.
Heels Jazz is a technique class that focuses on strength and correct technique in the lower body. This class will explore this new style of dance with Riannah, and students can expect to gain confidence and tenacity. Please note: very specific 4inch heels are required for this class. Students who enrol will be emailed the exact specifications.
Adult Jazz / Technique:
Adult classes are focused on improving fitness and coordination, working as a team, and learning choreography for our end of year performance. These classes are incredibly popular due to the welcoming class size, fun (yet challenging) choreography, strong camaraderie and absolutely brilliant atmosphere. Their performances are always entertaining and sought after - a most popular group to be part of!
Frankston studio: Delacombe Park Girl Guide Hall, Overport Road, Frankston South
Mount Eliza studio: Mount Eliza Secondary College, Drama Centre, Canadian Bay Rd, Mount Eliza